
November 27, 2008



When I introduced Black and Decker’s Electromate 400 equipment, I never knew it was a perfect gift for entrepreneurs until I started receiving testimonies just 4 days after posting. My readers have been going entrepreneurial with it and I am very glad people are putting flesh to what they read on this site. The one that touched me most was a corper (a friend) from one of the rural setting in Oyo state who was into phone business.



She complained that electric power supply was her greatest problem in her mini call center business. She had to charge the phone again almost all the time in order to meet the customers demand. This involved having fuel all the time to power her small generator. I magnanimously gave her one electromate to reduce her excessive fuel use after she complained that her generator was giving her problems and she did not have enough money to fix it. She was meant to return it to me after a while.



Vec026bd 4She surprised me when she gave me half the money that she wanted to buy it. This is her very words; “I have not charged this stuff since you gave me 10 days ago and it has been powering my phone business without hitches. Dipo, I just have to buy it before you tell me that your goods have not arrived again.” A lady that complained she did not have money is releasing money. The value of the electromate must definitely have hit her.



Another testimony was a guy working in one the prestigious hotels in Lagos. He ordered two pieces of the electromate through this site for him and his wife. He called me a day after buying it and told me his colleagues have bought the two he ordered (definitely at a higher price he bought it) and wanted a discount so he can be the sole distributor of it in his company. I was impressed; he was not just slaving for a company, he was thinking of his future.



Another reader sent me a full page of how he was going to market the electromate in Benin. He told me how he was going to organize a seminar at a fee on electric power supply which is very crucial to the residence. He was sure that even though they don’t buy it which he was sure they will, he would have made money from the seminar and he wanted one. He has seen someone do it for a costlier inverter and it worked.



90 minutes after my wife’s friend bought the electromate from me, she called me to thank me. Obviously, I was surprised then she narrated the story. Police men had stopped her just about 30 minutes of leaving the warehouse for their routine check. When she tried starting her car, she realized that her battery was down. It was very embarrassing and the mobile policemen offered to start the car for her at two thousand naira claiming they had to push the car and it was useless calling her mechanic because his phone was not going through.



She remembered the electromate she just unwillingly bought from me. She read the instruction which did not take her up to 30 seconds to grab. She followed the instruction and her car was up and running. When she reached home, she attempted to call the mechanic to solve the problem but the same issue. She then read the other instructions from the electromate manual and realizes she could check if her alternator was bad.



She was able to decipher that it was the battery water that has run dry not the alternator. My wife’s friend deals with gold but she immediately wanted to sell the electromate to her customers. This is good for business but I made a mistake; I am selling the elctromate at a 40% discount. Why did I make such a mistake? This Christmas would have seen me smiling to the bank big time.



Anyway, I am not bothered. I know that my next set of electromate will definitely not be as cheap as I gave it out. What can I say, people are blessed by it and that makes me blessed. I definitely recommend this gift for female drivers especially executives that close late from work. I remember helping a female driver from Citi bank with a car problem on the top of Apongbon Bridge and she was saved from hoodlums by my intervention. Any time I remember this, I remember the electromate.


Vec026bd 1There are limited pieces available; you can still order with the 40% discount by clicking HERE. Please, include your phone number if you want home service. Thanx for reading………..  


Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....